How do you look after lash extensions?

Our top tips to looking after your lash extensions are as follows: 

1. Use an Oil-Free Cleanser:
When cleaning your lash extensions, it's essential to use an oil-free cleanser. Oil-based products can break down the adhesive and cause the extensions to fall out prematurely. Look for a gentle lash extension cleanser specifically formulated for use with lash extensions.

2. Cleanse Daily:
To keep your lash extensions in tip-top shape, make it a habit to cleanse them daily. Gently wet your lashes with water and apply a small amount of the lash extension cleanser to a soft brush or clean mascara wand. Gently brush through your lashes, removing any dirt, makeup, or debris. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry with a clean towel or lint-free cloth.

3. Be Gentle:
When cleaning your lash extensions, always remember to be gentle. Avoid rubbing or pulling on the lashes, as this can cause damage or premature shedding. Use a light touch and gentle motions to cleanse and brush through your lashes.

4. Avoid Oil-Based Products:
In addition to using an oil-free cleanser, it's crucial to avoid oil-based products around your lash extensions. Oil can break down the adhesive bond, leading to lash extensions falling out sooner. Be cautious with makeup removers, moisturizers, and other beauty products that contain oil.

5. Brush Regularly:
To keep your lash extensions looking their best, brush them regularly. Use a clean mascara wand or a designated lash brush to gently comb through your lashes, keeping them separated and in place. This helps prevent tangling and keeps your lashes looking fluffy and natural.

Remember, these tips are general guidelines, and it's always a good idea to consult with your lash technician for specific care instructions tailored to your lash extensions. By following these cleaning practices, you can keep your lash extensions looking fabulous and prolong their lifespan.